Rozalia a 20 ans et elle habite en Pologne. Elle travaille comme hôtesse de l'air et est étudiante en droit. En raison du confinement, elle a arrête de travailler ce qui lui permet de se concentrer sur ses études. Cette situation lui a permis de ralentir et de se concentrer sur ce qui compte le plus pour elle.
My name is Rozalia, I’m 20 and I’m from Poland. I work as a flight attendant and in the meantime I study law. I was an exchange student and I spend whole 2017/2018 academic year in Washington State.
Due to lockdown I’m not able to work on daily basis. I keep waiting for official opening of European airspace. I have to also study online, as polish universities closed until May 15th- but because of government regulations they can be closed even longer. Since April 16th, we have to wear protective masks every time we go outside, it wasn’t mandatory before.
As I want to be a lawyer in couple years, I got enrolled to the law school and I’m a freshman. We have online classes since official lockdown in Poland (14th March). My university has been challenging me when it comes to combine my studies with work but was also a great opportunity to skip from daily routine. I really miss some kind of stability the univeristy gave me.
As I was flying to the other countries until the official lockdown actually, I’ve decided to remain at home and respect rules of lockdown as much as I can. I thought it will be the safest idea.
I have learnt how much I need to feel calm in my life, as it was getting faster and more active than I really wanted it to be. I enjoy this lockdown time, to be truly honest. I just regret everybody who is concerned about their work...
It is not that hard to find plenty of fake news on the internet, so I’m trying to stay informed by reading newspapers or official WHO (World Health Organization) articles.
I really want to make my life slower and not that active, if that makes any sense... I think I might focus on very few activities and quit things I can’t maintain as precisely as I want to.
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