Noor vit au Bahrein, une petite île au moyen-orient. Elle raconte comment le gouvernement apporte une aide économique aux personnes dans le besoin et propose à tout le monde de se faire tester gratuitement. Le port du masque y est obligatoire dans la rue et dans les supermarchés qui ne peuvent accueillir que 5 clients.
My name is noor , i am 18 years old . I am from Bahrain, a tiny island in the middle east.
Schools, malls, shopping stores, private gyms ….. etc everything has been shut down except for restaurants (drive through or delivery only), banks , pharmacy’s and grocery stores. The government pays for full treatment of anyone infected (locals or not) and anyone can get tested free of charge. Home isolation is recommended, most people go out only for extremley important situations. Anyone that goes into a public place not wearing a mask would be charged immediately an amount of 5 bahraini dinars (13 dollars) in case of not paying immediately , you’ll be referred to the public prosecution. First few hours of opening in shops that are supposed to be open (bakery, super market … etc) the priority is for the eldery, pregnant womens and children. There can’t be more than 5 people inside one store. The government pays electricity and water bills for the next few months and until further notice. Phone companies offers free or a very small fee for students because we need data for our online classes. The government pays to bring back any local stuck abroad , and for the people who choose to stay abroad they get food, masks and sanatizers. The government pays bills for shop rents and for the salary of people working on the private sector. Anyone who’s coming from abroad or recentley recovered from the virus will be forced to wear a tracking watch from the government so they won’t leave their houses because the have to be in home isolation for at least 14 days.
You can get tested at public testing sites and drive-thru locations.
This is a drive-thru location (you can stay in your car and get tested).
Parking lots turned into care centers to help people.
They also clean the streets and public spaces.
I am a freshmen in college , we stopped going to school since febreuary 26th,2020. We have online classes held at the same time the original lectures are. I miss seeing my friends everyday.
Since gyms are closed , the gym i used to go to decided to do a live workouts everyday. I do that every morning. I am usually busy doing school work or cooking or reading new books as i have set a goal for me to read a ceratain amount of books while i have this much free time. I also use my time to connect with my family more as we never had a chance before to sit and talk and play together in daily basis because each member of the family would be busy doing their own thing normally.
I’m learning that i can be more patient than i’ve ever known. I’ve discovered that i am taking a lot for granted as being busy with my normal daily life usually made me not pay much attention to more important things like family and self improvement.
The government has developed an app I'm using to stay informed. The ministry of health instagram also keeps us up to date.
I will try to stick to daily exercises and will try to stay more connected with friends and family and wold force myslef to read at least 10 pages daily before sleep.
STAY AT HOME ! This way you protect me and i protect you !
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