Here is a picture of my small village and its beautiful church !
Alessio a 19 ans et habite dans un petit village au nord de l'Italie près de la frontière suisse. Confiné depuis 2 mois, il consacre son temps à la musique et à ses cours en ligne. Habitant dans les montagnes, il peut se balader dans la forêt sans risquer de croiser d'autres personnes. Ses amis lui manquent ainsi que ses professeurs et ses camarades de classes qui habitent à Milan.
Hi, I'm Alessio, I'm 19 years old and I live in Italy, in a small town in Piemont, near the Swiss border.
In Italy we have been confined in our houses for almost two months. You can go out just to buy food or first aid goods. Compared to big cities, I'm very lucky during this situation, because my house is situated near the woods and I can go out without the danger of meeting people. Everyway, we must have an high civic sense to protect the weakest people against the virus, but there are always people who don't undestand that covid-19 is an enemy that could easily kill us if underestimated.
I'm studyng to be a civil engineer and my university (Polytechnic of Milan) has been using online courses since the beginning of the emergency. Now they are organizing next exams online. I miss human interactivity with the course-mates and teachers, and I miss my roommates who are living in Milan.
I have to study for university courses but I spend most of my free time playing and training myself in music, because I have a band and I play bass. I'm not involved in my community, I prefer to stay at home as the government has advised us.
I'm learning to be more concentrated while I'm studying and playing, and I'm trying to understand what is really important for my life.
There are so many news and fake news that it is so diffucult to understand which ones are real... The only truth is that a lot of doctors and nurses are working hard on these days and we must be grateful for them.
I want to see my friends, I want to play with my band in bars, at parties and at festivals, but mostly I want to resume my life in everything and I really want to change my attitude in studying in the best way.
The world is stopped, we have to reset and restart aware of what we are facing. So keep working hard and follow your passion now, to be prepared for the future and for ''fredoom''.
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