
Shintya from Indonesia

My name is Shintya. I’m 19 years old. I live in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia.

Here in Jakarta, which is the city with the largest amount of COVID-19 positive patients in the country, we’re currently under Large-Scale Social Restrictions or we call it Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). People are encouraged to work, study, and conduct religious activities at home. 

The amount of passengers allowed in public transportation services is 50% of their capacity. Public transportations also restrict their operational hours from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m only. Private vehicles must also limit their number of passengers. Gatherings of more than five people in public spaces are prohibited.



I’m in 2nd semester of university and we had to stop going to school because of the pandemic. Thus, we’re doing classes online since March 23rd.

I never expected to say that I actually miss school ! But I do, I really do miss going to school. What I miss the most is definitely the ‘study atmosphere’ in class by having other students studying around you. It just keeps me motivated, not like right now, where I literally woke up 2 minutes before my online lecture starts.



My classes and papers are keeping pretty busy. I also start watching K-dramas again after a long time.

My college friends and I are actually creating some contents about awareness of the pandemic, hopefully it’ll put a little help in the situation.


The least that I can do is help in donation for the hospitals’ personal protective equipments (PPE) that are very much lacking these days.

During school, I always complain and wish I could be at home all day, but now I regret it. I realized that it was little bit hard for me to accustom myself in this new daily activities specifically only at home. But I managed to survive somehow. I realized that this is a great chance for me to do things I haven’t got the chance to do, like working out and cooking new recipes, and even better, to talk and spend time with my family !

I keep myself updated with the official COVID-19 website. My family and friends are also very active in telling updates about the pandemic in social media, so I got a lot of help from them.



I wouldn’t rush to plan a lot of massive things. I would just plan to hang out with my friends again, and maybe go to my favorite restaurant in the city.


I actually haven’t thought of changing anything in my life.. but now that you mentioned it, I’m starting to think about it ! I might want to add a new routine in my daily life, which is working out ! Because I’ve been doing it during quarantine and I actually enjoy it.

The most important thing right now is for all of us to keep a positive mind ! Follow the directions from health professionals. Don’t panic and believe that this, too, shall pass !

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